
Forgive Me, I'm Outta Control

The Mid-Atlantic was supposed to get a big storm again. So, yesterday, I quickly changed my itinerary to fly home a day early. The new itinerary wreaked havoc on my “plan”. You know…the plan to completely revamp my lifestyle to live a healthy, fit, focused life.

I burned calories running around. But I didn’t necessarily eat well. That’s okay. I forgive myself that one lapsed day. There wasn’t much I could control once the new itinerary was set in motion.

So here’s my thought for today. Sometimes things get out of control, but we still need to fight back. If we fight back at least we have a chance of some control which is certainly better than none.

So, I’m not beating myself up about it. That’s what I would normally do, but that hasn’t gotten me anywhere.

By The Way: decided to weigh in on my home scale vs. the scale at Canyon Ranch. If you recall, on Monday I weighed in and released 9 pounds. Today's weigh in shows another 2 pounds gone. Woo Hoo!

Here’s a zen thought from Canyon Ranch about forgiving yourself:

“As I forgive myself, I leave behind all feelings of not being good enough, and I am free to love myself.”

Have a forgiving, loving day!


Taking Care of Business

My girl Terri has lost it. She’s obsessed with making her balanced lifestyle even better in the “weight” area. So she’s been working out everyday (nothing new for her, she’s been doing it for years) and counting her calories. Recently, she just had to have some chocolate. But she was torn.

She would pick up the package and gaze adoringly at it. Then her good senses would take over and she quickly put it down and left the room. But she couldn’t get that decadent rich flavor out of her mind and went back to check out the package again.

Now you have to know, as a foodie, Terri has a lot of faves, but sweets isn’t normally one of them. So I was surprised when she told me she was yearning for the chocolate.

She thought, “This package is 130 calories. I haven’t worked out yet today, but I could go burn 130 calories and come back and eat this. Then I’ll still burn my 300 later today during my workout.”

Maybe she’s on to something here.

In order to feel like we’re not denying ourselves something we truly love we could compensate for those calories by burning them off separately from our daily calorie burn goal. You could have that piece of chocolate or that glass of wine completely guilt free. Is that worth it to you? It is to me.

This is a good plan. Told you we were starting a revolution. Are you joining us?

Bachman Turner Overdrive:

“Taking care of business every day
Taking care of business every way
I've been taking care of business, it's all mine
Taking care of business and working overtime
Work out!”


Don’t Stop

Well yesterday was the official new week of my new lifestyle. It was also my official weigh in day.

Drum roll, please:

I released 9 pounds.

9 pounds in 1 week and I’m not even on The Biggest Loser.

Now, I know it’s only the 1st week and all, but I have found that counting my calories and having daily calorie burn goals have kept me focused.

It’s a lifestyle change.

It doesn’t mean I’m focused on it 24/7. I have lots of other things to occupy my time and thoughts. I would say I spend at most 2 hours a day focusing on this new lifestyle. One hour writing the blog post, recording all of the information, and planning out meals, etc. And one hour working out and stretching.

As time goes on the workouts will get longer. I recently read an article about Helen Phillips, last spring’s winner of The Biggest Loser. She’s kept her weight off by working out 2 hours a day - part cardio, part resistance training. She has gotten her whole family on board and now they spend time shopping at farmers’ markets for their fresh produce and they prepare meals together.

It’s a lifestyle change.

One thing I really loved about Helen in this article is that she’s keeping it real. She won $250,000 and has invested the majority of it. She did take her husband on a wonderful trip - a memory to last them a lifetime; and she did buy herself a new car - a Jeep Liberty. Even if she got it fully loaded the car only set her back $25,000. She didn’t go crazy and buy a Beemer and try to keep up with the Joneses. She’s embraced her new lifestyle while staying true to herself. And for that I’m very proud of her.

It’s a lifestyle change.

I’m fortunate enough to be able to work from home so right now I walk around in my workout clothes with bare minimum make up: I swipe on bronzer, lip gloss and mascara. And I no longer spend time on my hair every day - I’m wearing it curly and messy. It makes life easier and keeps me focused on my goal. As I release pounds I can start buying really cute track suits. This look is good enough to answer the door, run errands, even attend volunteer committee meetings.

This is working for me right now and I’m embracing it. I only hope next week’s weigh in shows another significant loss…there’s nothing like the number on the scale going down to keep me motivated!

Fleetwood Mac:

Don’t stop, thinking about tomorrow,
Don’t stop, it’ll soon be here,
It’ll be, better than before,
Yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone.
Oooh…don’t you look back now.


You Better Be Good To Me

Since beginning my changes last Monday the big difference I’ve noticed is that I’m not bloated. My stomach looks smaller because it’s not stuffed and bloated with bad foods.

I like that.

Last night at dinner I had a hankering for something sweet. I haven’t had processed sugar since last Sunday and for some reason I’m craving some. So I decide to have dessert. After my 100 calorie Roasted Tomato Gazpacho and 385 calorie Latin-Spiced Yellowtail with guacamole and snow peas, I go for the 125 calorie Hibiscus Crème Brûlée. It was just the right amount and quite tasty. I was completely sated.

Fast forward ½ hour. Oooh. My stomach doesn’t feel so good. Whoops - time to have a potty party.

So I do.


My body is rebelling and telling me I need to listen to it. Was it the sugar? Was it the richness of the custard? Was it something else? I don’t know. But I do know I need to listen to my body. So no more desserts while at CY. Let’s see if that makes a difference.

Listening to our bodies is an important step in making life long lifestyle changes. Mine is saying, “You better be good to me.”

I’m listening to it.

And yes I worked out twice. 45-minute interval training on the treadmill and 30-minute walk-run on the boardwalk of Miami Beach while soaking in the sun and ocean breeze. I don’t miss the snow at all. Now if only Mother Nature can make it spring when I arrive home….

Tina Turner:

“You better be good to me
That’s how it’s gotta be now
Cause I don’t have the time
For your over loaded lines
You better be good to me.”



Well yesterday was a challenging day for me. I accomplished everything except exercise.

You see, I tempted fate and it was not on my side.

I didn't plan properly so my body suffered the consequences; however, I don’t feel guilty.

The difference is I didn’t give up my power. Instead, I gambled on time and lost. Then I had a decision to make and I made it. I feel good about it because I was in control of my destiny.

I received a call at 11:30 am telling me my daughter was being discharged from the hospital. So I mentally did some calculations and decided to pick her up, bring her back to Canyon Ranch with me (she was antsy to get out and I was antsy to spend quality non-hospital time with her), then I would work out and afterwards we’d meet friends for dinner.

But we all know hospital red tape. I got to the hospital at 12:30. The doctor still hadn’t signed the discharge papers. Of course not, it’s a Saturday and the doctor is nowhere to be found. So we waited. And waited. And waited. All the while I bug the nurse and have her call the doctor every hour. I finally get hungry at 3:00 and decide to head to the cafeteria for a yogurt and piece of fruit.

The sign said: CLOSED.

Huh…I didn’t plan that too well. But it is good to bug the nurse every hour so she bugs the doctor every hour. Finally, at 5 pm the papers are signed and we walk out the door to freedom.

Before heading back to CY we stop off at the dorm to gather up some clothes. By the time we return to CY I have a choice to make: go workout, then shower, then meet for dinner but I’ll be 45 minutes late. Or forget the workout today, get ready for dinner and be on time.

I’m starving - haven’t eaten since 11 am so I choose the latter. But there’s a second part to that decision…work out twice tomorrow.

So here I am writing this while enjoying my morning coffee. Since my best girl’s with me I don’t have to leave CY all day and am certain to get in a double workout. It’s interesting how I didn’t have guilt because I made the choice rather than allowing the Universe to make it for me.

I welcome the wind of change!

The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change


I Deserve It

I’m sitting at Canyon Ranch eating a 95 calorie appetizer - how often can we say that? Most often the apps have the caloric content of a meal.

My avocado tartare features bite-size chunks of creamy avocado shaped into a ring mold. The top layer is a combo of sweet mango, crisp yellow peppers, tomato and red onion accompanied by a side of thick mango yuzu vinaigrette. It’s an artful presentation - quite beautiful actually. The flavors and textures are a perfect, refreshing combination.

My entrée is a whopping 250 calories! A gorgeous piece of Florida grouper atop a warm tomato-corn-cilantro salsa. The pièce de résistance is the edible vibrant orange nasturtium.

I’ve been really good to myself today - I’m worth it!

And we’re all worth it. I remember self-worth being an epiphany for Danny, the winner of last season’s The Biggest Loser. Once he realized that he deserved to focus on himself he began releasing his pounds at a quick, consistent pace. And look what that did for him?

All I’m saying is we all need to spend some time finding ways to make low calorie food taste delicious so we feel like we’re not missing anything. Changing our eating habits is certainly a major part of a lifestyle change; however, I feel we should take it a step further by making the food we eat more decadent in taste.

It’s a revolution - join me!

Michael Jackson:

“I’m starting with the [wo]man in the mirror.
I’m asking [her] to change [her] ways.
And no message could have been any clearer:
If you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change.”


Can You Say Murphy?

As I write this I’m 32,000 feet high in the clouds on my way to Miami. Why, you ask?

Murphy has invaded my life. You know Murphy - the guy who waits until you get your head on straight and all your ducks in a row then Bam he throws a wrench and screws up all your gears.

I’m only 4 days into my ch-ch-ch-ch-changes and I have a family emergency. Yup, the emergency sucks - I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but it does get me out of the snow and into the sun (where I belong 365-24-7 if I had my way). At least the sun with its beneficial effects will put my head in a more positive environment.

Obviously I need to rework my plan. It would be so easy to throw my hands in the air and give my power over to the Universe. But that’s what the old me would do and it hasn’t gotten me anywhere.

The new me called Terri immediately and said, “Help me find a way to stay empowered.” She talked me out of a weak moment and then we brainstormed. Our solution - go for broke!

I am fortunate enough to have some cash to spend on travel and booked a hotel stay at the Canyon Ranch in Miami Beach. There I have access to a full professional gym, several swimming pools, and a plethora of exercise classes running every hour from 7 am through 8 pm - not to mention the abundance of professionals at my disposal: nutritionists, doctors, personal trainers and more.

The restaurant features spa cuisine and all caloric content is listed on the menu. This will make it so very easy to stay focused on new habits during a stressful time and that is worth every cent.

So I’m on the plane with some food in my handbag to sustain me for the morning:
2 100 calorie gluten free cinnamon bars
1 tin roasted almonds
1 banana

When I land I will go to the hospital straightaway and expect to be there for several hours. While there I’ll eat yogurt and fruit.

Then I’ll head over to Canyon Ranch, check in, unpack, don my workout clothes and hit the gym! I still have to burn 300 calories during a cardio workout even if Murphy doesn’t want me to. Then I plan to go for a quiet walk on the beach to do some meditative thinking. After that I’ll shower and enjoy a gourmet, delicious, low calorie dinner.

I have a plan that's very doable. And it’s a great plan. If I don’t follow it I’ll feel guilty and we all know I’m stressed out enough. I don’t need to add more stress with my guilt.

So I will follow my plan come hell or high water. My inner hard ass has kicked in. I urge you to find yours.

Buh-Bye Murphy.


Light Bulb Moment #1

I had my first light bulb moment today. I had worked out for 2 days with a goal to burn 300 calories during the cardio portion. Don’t let me kid you…that’s all I did those 2 days, the bare minimum!

Day 1 I was gung ho so doing the treadmill was just fine. My lower back began to hurt halfway through my 40 minutes because I was doing intervals, but I worked through the pain and felt great afterwards. (I have a friend who will explain intervals and how to find your best heart rate while doing them. That posting will come sometime next week…say tuned!)

Day 2 sucked! I put it off until the last possible minute (4 pm) then did 30 minutes of intervals that I kicked up a notch to get a higher burn so I could be done quicker (sneaky, huh?). But I hated every second of it and had to play time and distance games in order to reach my 300 calories.

Day 3 was today and I knew I had to get the workout done in the morning or I would be as miserable as yesterday. So at 10 am I hit the treadmill but this time I brought my ipod with me. I have exactly 1 workout playlist – it’s Zumba music and I love it. As soon as the 1st song started I was in my element and knew I could finish this workout hands down! What a relief!

In my single life I worked as a radio DJ for a few years. I love most genres of music. But I find that as I aged and had kids, a loud husband, 3 large dogs and an 85-yr-old live-in FIL that I need more quiet time. Time just to hear myself think. The result is I hardly listen to music anymore. Sure I sing to myself all day, but it’s not the same.

So I got to thinking that the Zumba music really had a big impact on my mood and isn’t my mood affected by my serotonin levels? I spent 20 minutes on the web and found a few good articles that talk about ways to increase your serotonin levels without drugs. Guess what they are? Eating a good diet, getting exercise, getting adequate sleep, basically, living life the right way. And music helps elevate those levels as well.

According to Mary Ann Copson, founder of the Evenstar Mood & Energy Wellness Center for Women, research indicates that in the United States 60-80% of the people, especially women, have low serotonin levels.

So, it seems so many of us need to make changes in our lifestyles. Here’s my contribution – my Zumba playlist. Hope you enjoy it!

Friends In Need, Friends Indeed

I have lots of friends and I love them all. Some are skinny and blond (ugh…they get on my nerves), some are not a size 2 but they’re still blond and fashionable (and the guys are always checking them out…they get on my nerves too), one has the metabolism of an Olympic athlete (she plays tennis once a week and can eat 2 of anything she wants and never gain an ounce - she’s gorgeous to boot…and really gets on my nerves), one is very serious about a balanced lifestyle and is committed to helping me do the same (I’m in love with Terri and if we were lesbian I’d marry her), and two are pretty much as big as me and frustrated by it (the Wolf sisters are my 2 oldest friends and I adore them).

So how do these relationships help me reach my goals? I’m not sure.

I only know that Terri has been after me to make a drastic lifestyle change because it will save my life and she wants me around to continue to travel together, attend each other’s children’s weddings, meet each other’s grandchildren and celebrate the many other wonderful milestones a full life yields.

The Wolf sisters are my sistahs in need just like me. I am inviting them to join me in making a major lifestyle change and I hope they’ll accept because then we can all keep track of their progress as well.

So, find your girlfriends to help you make any positive changes you think you need to make in your own life…and let’s start a revolution!

The Beatles:
“You say you want a revolution
Well you know
We all want to change the world”


The Wall

I am an “all or nothing” person. Always have been. In many areas of my life, it’s worked to my advantage. Other areas…not so much. I need to change.

One major area where it doesn’t work is my weight. I’ll be gung ho and work my ass off (literally) for a month or so, then I hit a mental wall and SCREEEECH I stop dead in my tracks. It’s all in my head. I know this. I just can’t seem to get past it. I need to change.

What’s even worse is gaining back all the weight I’ve released from my poor over-stressed, unfit, inefficient body. Wait! Was that a negative thought about my body? Actually it was 3, wasn’t it? I need to change.

I need to change my mind.

I need to change my body.

I need to change my lifestyle.

So today I will begin working on ways to change my life for good. I invite you to join me…maybe we can teach each other a thing or two and have many “belly” laughs along the way.

In the immortal words of David Bowie:

Turn and face the strain
Just gonna have to be a different [wo]man