
Move, Shake, Drop

My body is my temple.

It doesn't agree.

It's too busy being sore - in different places everyday.

Getting in shape is hard work. Aside from working out with Marc (aka Mr. Clean), I've been doing more running to train for the Marine Corps Marathon 10K. You didn't really think I'd be running the marathon, did you? Nope. I'm leaving that up to my girl Ginger.

I'm so excited because my LA girls are reuniting for that weekend! Judy's flying in from Dallas and Maria's flying in from Miami. Our girl Kandee is flying in from LA to meet up with a friend. We're the smart ones - running the 10K. Once we cross that finish line we'll hang out and cheer Ginger on as she crosses her finish line a few hours later.

You see Ginger got herself in a pickle and I've never been a fan of pickled ginger. (That's one item always left behind on my sushi plate - ha!) Ginger has convinced a slew of people from work to run this marathon with her including her CEO and her Board of Directors. Now she's under stress to really perform!

But, Ginger, your LA peeps KNOW you can do it!

We're all moving, shaking and dropping (pounds, that is)!

So back to my body. This week's extra running is starting to affect my shins. They are sore and sometimes throb. I've been icing them and will continue to do so until they get used to keeping up with my determination. I've come to grips with the fact that new areas of my body will flare up on a regular basis.

As Mr. Clean said, "That's par for the course for an athlete."

Puts a whole new perspective on things, doesn't it?


Sugar, Oh Honey, Honey

Yesterday began on a great note but by 2:30 I was very cranky and I don't know why. I hate that out of control feeling I get when my mood goes south.  I guess it's hormones - I don't really know but I do know that's not the real me.

The 1st thing I thought of after a minor encounter with my Honey was: "I want something sweet." I actually caught myself thinking that!

Why do my thoughts go automatically there - to sugarland?

More specifically, it's not really plain sugar...it's actually chocolate and fat that I crave when I'm stressed or hormonal.  The only explanation I have is the serotonin, endorphins and other compounds inherently found in chocolate that lift your mood.  I think I crave not only knowing how delicious and decadent the chocolate would be, but also that consuming the chocolate will enhance my mood. 

But, alas, I'm playing Game On! and chocolate was not on my menu yesterday. So...I didn't have any. Instead I grabbed another bottle of water and took a quick break from reality by escaping into a book.  It did make me feel better and i finished my day with a perfect score!

I'm saving the chocolate for my day off.   


Pain Will Do You Good

Did my second boot camp with Marc today. I can do Anything he tells me to...I can't begin to tell you how empowering that feeling is.  He noticed that my balance is still not as strong as it can be and my hip flexors are very tight so we worked on those areas extra long today in addition to major core work.  

I can already tell I'll wake up sore tomorrow, but the best way I've found to overcome that pain is to jump on the treadmill for 15-30 minutes and get all my muscles warmed up real well so they loosen, then roll out on the foam roller.

I'm excited that my body will be in peak form in a few short weeks so I can continue to make the headway I started in LA. I'm even more excited that after just 3 short days of participating in this new Game On! session my stomach is no longer bloated and clothes are beginning to feel loser.

What will you do to get yourself on the right track?


My Summer Pantry

This summer these are the foods that have been in abundance in my house:

A large variety of fruits – it’s always a quick, healthy snack

Roasted chicken breast for quick meals – I roast 5-6 breasts at a time, peel off the skin, remove the meat from the bones and cut into approx 2 oz. pieces.

Par cooked veggies – broccoli, carrots, cauliflower & green beans are great to eat with a slight crunch as a quick addition to lunch or the final cooking step can be completed while cooking the rest of dinner (like a stir fry).

Grilled red onion slices – I usually drizzle with evoo or balsamic vinegar before grilling.  I love having a big plateful of these ready for when I want to add a little umph to a simple meal.

Bell peppers in every color – great to eat raw, on kebobs, in salads and, my fave, with sautéed onions.

We have a large pot out on the deck growing a myriad of fresh herbs: rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, savory, sage, etc. A simple chicken or fish can truly taste delicious if properly spiced even without fats.  Be sure to master the cooking technique.

And we always have bananas on hand for Nutritionist Karen’s famous Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake – my son and honey have both become addicted!

Karen’s Peanut Butter Banana Protein Shake
1 serving

1 scoop Jay Robb chocolate powder (or 1 packet)
1.5 tbl natural peanut butter
½ large banana (or 1 small banana)
½ cup unsweetened almond breeze
½ cup ice

Put the ice in the blender first, add remaining ingredients, blend and enjoy.


Let's Get It Started

Today was quite the awesome day.  Over the weekend I received an email from my gym's owner asking me to be the captain of a team filled with new players for our 4th session of Game On! I had played two previous games and was the grand winner of the 2nd game dropping 20 lbs. In 8 weeks.

I am excited to help out the new women. We'll email daily and support and inspire each other...just what I need after my disastrous August.

What I love about the game is that I get to add a new good habit and change a bad habit in my daily routine.  This time around I'm sticking with the "eating in front of the TV" rule.  I'm only allowed to eat a protein bar and drink either water or decaf green tea. My new good habit is to declutter and organize for 30 minutes a day.  My home will be looking real good when the game is over...woo hoo!

Today I also started my private boot camp sessions with my old trainer Marc. The man had a shit-eatin' grin on his face the entire time!

Why, you ask?

Because he had me doing exercises he's always wanted me to do but in my mind I couldn't do them.  That was 4 years and 60 lbs ago...now I believe in my abilities and did every exercise with a powerful attitude. Hey 90 minutes of boot camp preceded by 30 minutes of running was a breeze after my long, hard days in Marina Del Rey.

It's amazing how just one day of eating 5 small meals and drinking 3+ liters of water has on my body.  My stomach is already feeling lighter and smaller. I AM feeling the workout though...mostly in my back and shoulders. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

I'll leave you with a couple of pictures. My trainer Marc and me after today's workout (note, I wasn't going for beautiful - I was going for empowerment and strength); and a picture of Marc's "gun".

Get motivated to make changes this week!


Here I Go Again

Welcome Back!  This summer has been hectic - filled with lots of travel, family, friends & fun, including becoming a Certified Zumba Instructor.  It's also been filled with a few demons.

The demons arrived in August and just finally went away…I think.  Those demons are my "old" thoughts: losing weight is so hard, preparing the right foods is time-consuming, I don't have the time to get a workout in today.

Yup, I thought them all throughout most of August.  Now don't get me wrong - I still did some bike riding, some running, and some Zumba, but not like I had been doing and certainly not with great focus.  In the summer at our house we tend to eat healthier than we do the rest of the year, but the wine bug got ahold of me and the sugar and salt bugs joined right in.  As a result I stopped looking at my portion sizes so closely and just enjoyed life…in more ways than I should have!

But that's what makes us human, right?  We are always going to have "life" which can get in the way of our real goals.

So, of course, I began mentally beating myself up about not keeping up with my LIFE program.  Old habits die hard.  It's been making me think about Daris from The Biggest Loser again…remember when he went home for 30 days and trained for the marathon but fought the food demons at night?

But "brain" help came in form of the doctor I saw in Santa Monica back in May.  We had a conference call last week and he told me my body chemistry is still so far off that unless I maintain my "California" lifestyle forever my body will slowly continue to gain it back.  Is he kidding?  Nope.

So he's sending me a regimen of meds, herbs, etc. to work on my body chemistry to get it balanced again.  Because once I regain balance - in my body and my brain and my life - things will begin working in my favor.  Hello!  That's all I need to make me smile.  The package should arrive today and I look forward to reading & digesting his full report plus beginning the "Fix My Body For Good" protocol.

On another good note, today I'm back with half of the Wonder Women (Sharon aka Sharona & Clare) and we're battling each other in Game On!  No matter what, I find the Game On! way of eating is the easiest, healthiest way for me to emulate my food at LIFE.  So I weighed in this morning and reported it to my Competitors…heh heh.  Because I weigh so much more than them I'll lose more every week, but I've got to make sure my scorecard is as perfect as can be.  We still haven't figured out a prize, but I'm thinking they have to detail my car, or buy me a Gucci bag, or make my meals for a week…ha!

I've already been to the gym today and did 45 minutes of interval sprinting on the treadmill.  My old trainer Marc saw me and my beet red face dripping with sweat and told me he was so happy to see me working hard that he wanted to kiss me!  I'll have to post a picture…you'll want him to kiss you too…ha ha!

I start a bootcamp with Marc next week - 3 days, 1.5 hours each day.  Plus I'll do another 45+ minutes of cardio on my own which is so easy to get in with my Zumba.  On the days I don't train with Marc I'll do a minimum of 1 hour cardio, but in many cases it will be 2 hours because I'm choreographing my own Zumba routines and I need to get them as close to perfect as possible so I can begin teaching classes.

So Fall is almost here and I'm back on track.  It feels great!


We Are the Champions

Yesterday we had a celebration at my gym.  If you recall, back in March we started a “diet” competition called Game On!  You can read about it here and here. 

My team was the Wonder Women.  We placed 2nd out of 3 teams.  I participated the first 3 weeks here at home, then finished out the last 5 weeks in California. 

The competition culminated  with an 80’s dress up night and karaoke.  The losers had to serenade the winners.  I missed it, but everyone there had a great time! 

The gym gave the participants 2 weeks off then started another 8-week round of Game On! mid-May.  I was still in California, but opted to participate again because I figured it would be yet another point of accountability for me.  My first 2 weeks I participated while in California but finished out the last 6 weeks at home and my daughter, fresh back from college, joined me.  I released 20 lbs in the 8 weeks and my daughter released 11.  By the time this contest ended right after July 4th the Wonder Women were the Champions and I was the Winner or Biggest Loser. 

Yesterday the 5 teams converged on the gym armed with “legal” food and gifts for the winning team.  No singing or dancing this time, but some of the stories were very inspiring and some were downright hysterical!

The new Game On! begins tomorrow for 7 teams – as more people find out about the success of the program at the gym, they decide to give it a whirl.  There are a few men participating this time around as well – Let’s Hear It For The Boys!

Alas, I have opted to sit out this round.  I did 21 consecutive weeks between Game On! and LIFE and I need a bit of a break.  But don’t worry, I’ll still be on track releasing pounds and keeping up with my workouts.

Maria’s back home in Miami and we’re using the buddy system to keep each other going.  Together we’ll be Champions!


Roll With the Changes

Keep on rolling...   Keep on rolling...
oooh...   oooh...   oooh... 

I have been down for the count the past few weeks.  My cervical discs are still acting up.  I had the cortisone shot which has prevented me from having pain higher than a 5…hooray!  But that niggling, annoying radiating pain into my shoulder & bicep still persists.  Some days my neck feels the pain, but it’s never higher than a 4 or 5. 

The problem is it’s still preventing me from getting any good workouts in.  And I haven’t done any upper body lifting since leaving LA – a situation which needs to be seriously rectified.

Last week I was feeling pretty good, so I went to they gym on Wednesday for an hour of treadmill sprint intervals.  I basically did Trainer Jonathan’s cardio boot camp: a combination of sprinting and walking at different speeds and for different times.  After that came lower body weights followed by 10 minutes of abs.  I felt great the rest of the day and my neck/shoulder/arm didn’t bother me at all.

Thursday I went back to the gym.  If you recall, I began really running towards the end of my time in LA and I had an IT Band issue.  I didn’t want to have a relapse so I did incline intervals on the treadmill: a combination of walking at 0% incline up to 12% incline for different time periods.  That was followed by lots of stretching. 

I still felt great so I decided to go for broke.  Went to Zumba that night.  Ouch!  It’s the dancing.  When I dance I use my whole body including my head.  Actually, just listening to music gets my head bopping.  I bopped a little too much because my neck was sore the next day.

Maybe I need a neck brace for Zumba!

This week I have been a slug again due to many different circumstances.  I do my neck exercises and some light walking, but I’m really itching get back to the weights.  I’m driving my docs nuts because all I talk about is how I NEED to get back to working out.

I know they think I’m a little obsessed. 

Maybe you do too; however, I know me.  I’m worried that if I get too complacent I may lose the fire in me to keep going until I reach my goal.  After all my hard work I cannot let that happen!

So, I’m rolling with it…doing what I can when I can.  It’s really my only option right now.  I can’t complain too much as I’m down 12 lbs since leaving LA.  I just gotta keep workin’ it!


My Newest Injury

My newest injury started out as a small nuisance much like a continuous buzzing gnat.  I awoke my last Friday at LIFE with a niggling intermittent throb in my left bicep.  It didn’t really bother me, but it was weird.  That Tuesday I was finished with the program but went to Santa Monica to get my hair done.  Then I joined my friends at the gym for a famous Chef Seong lunch and saw the chiropractor Dr. Hans for the last time.  Dr. Hans’s diagnosis – my 1st left rib had moved out of place.

I didn’t know I had a rib that high, but apparently I do and it moved which was causing the annoyance in my left bicep.  He adjusted it and the problem was gone…for the day.

The niggling has continued for the past month.  2 weeks ago I awoke with a screaming left shoulder and bicep and my chiropractor here (Dr. Scott) took care of it.  And it went back to being a niggling pain for another week.

Now it’s much worse.

It landed me in the ER last weekend and I’ve been miserable ever since. 

I have been on major meds to deal with the pain and it finally took an MRI to make a correct diagnosis – 1 herniated disc and 1 bulging disc in my neck.  The mass from the herniated disc is pressing on my spinal nerves on the left side, which is causing the pain to radiate through my shoulder, behind my shoulder blade, and into my bicep. 

It’s not pretty. 

It’s quite frustrating.

It’s affecting my sleep (read: I’m not getting much!).

I’ve been a slug for a week now: no workouts, lounging around on the coach reading and watching TV, applying moist heat, icing, stretching, even putting my head in a ‘home traction’.  I’m doing all the physical therapy my doctor has prescribed.  I get relief where my pain goes from a 9-10 on the pain scale down to a 4-5.  It hasn’t gone below a 4 at all this week.  Right now as I sit here writing the pain is a 9.

I’ve decided I can’t live with the pain anymore.  I’m doing everything I can to work with this injury, but some days (like tonight) I get no relief.  So here I sit at 1 am chanting, “Come On Tuesday!”

Tuesday is the day I get the cortisone shot. 

In my spine…yikes!

I figure “what the hell?”  I already had 2 epidurals when I delivered my kids.  It can’t be any worse than that, right?  But this is a big deal as I’ll have to lie down on an x-ray table while my doctor uses x-ray guidance to show him exactly where to shoot the cortisone. 

I hope it works.  If not, I’ll need surgery, which entails a neurosurgeon going into the area and snipping off the portion of the disc that’s pressing against the nerves.  Let’s hope that neurosurgeon’s skills are on par with McDreamy!


Right now in the middle of the night when I’m awake with pain and feeling all alone – it’s looking grim.  The way I’m feeling right now I suspect poor Dr. Scott won’t have a full weekend off.  Do you think I can call his office now and get him to come in? 

Dr Scott, if I can’t sleep…no one can!

Come On Tuesday!


Dance Like There’s No Tomorrow

"All I wanna do is stay right here on the floor
Get lost in the night and dance like there's no tomorrow
Don't care about the sunrise; Somebody please just hit the lights
All I wanna do is dance like there's no tomorrow."

I’m attached to my ipod.  Really.  Physically attached. 

I got so used to wearing my ipod at LIFE that I’m now wearing it at home.  Let me just say that doing mundane housework and laundry is much more fun when I’m dancing simultaneously.   I do believe it’s time to install an ipod connector into my car.

I have been home for 11 days now.  My first weekend back was one big party – with my family, with my friends, with my honey.  I allowed myself to eat out on both Friday and Saturday and I did imbibe in wine.  I was still pretty good eating…not perfect, but I was taking a short break. 

I allowed myself some entertainment food.  You know what…some of it I don’t need anymore.  I don’t crave it and I could care less whether or not I ever taste it again.  The first victim is potato chips.  I love salt & crunch so I had 1 serving of potato chips on Saturday.  I actually read the label and counted out the correct number of chips for the serving size.  An hour later I had a stomachache.  I decided the taste was not worth the pain.   So…buh bye, chips!  I’m also addicted to Crystal Light Lemonade & Iced Tea.  So I had some iced tea…YUCK!  It tasted like a bunch of chemicals.  It will no longer pass my lips.

The wine still tasted as delish as I remembered…ahhhh.  I don't think I'll ever lose the taste for wine!

I got right back into my Zumba routine.  I’ve been to Zumba 7 times in the last 11 days.  There are new dance routines for me to learn, but I still love it as much as I always have.

I also bought a bike.  I need to begin training for my Big Bike Ride in November.  We’re having a LIFE reunion during the 165-mile ride from Miami to Key West.  I think it’s brilliant…it helps us all stay in touch, but also forces us to stay accountable.  We are excited to see how much slimmer and fitter we all will be in 5 months.

So I went to see my buddy Alan at Princeton Sports and he hooked me up with a sweet ride – a Cannondale Quick Hybrid.  I didn’t realize how much gear bike enthusiasts need.  Wow!  I got a bike with an upgraded seat (I need as little butt pain as possible), padded bike shorts, a biking shirt, water bottle, helmet, tire pump, a cute little bag to hold my cell phone & car keys, and a bike rack for my car.  There’s still more I need but I’m just starting out and Alan didn’t want to overwhelm me.  Thanks, Alan. 

My Cannondale Quick

On Tuesday night I went with a local cycling group through the HILLY county roads.  I lasted 6 miles.  Not because I physically couldn’t continue, but because I kept messing up my gears.  So I had the Princeton Sports Chase/Support Vehicle pick up my bike and me.  Wayne (the driver) and I followed the cyclists for the remainder of the ride.  I picked his brain about the dos and don’ts of cycling and using my gears and I think I have it down pretty well now.  I’ll be trying out a myriad of bike paths we have here in Maryland.  I have a few friends who are interested in riding with me – Sharona, Becky & my neighbor Anthony.  It’s going to be so much fun!

I got through the remainder of the week doing Zumba and Trainer Jonathan’s ab workouts.

Friday night was a graduation party.  I cooked and ate dinner before I went.  While there I didn’t even look at the food.  I drank club soda with a lime and everyone thought I was having a gin & tonic.  I brought an apple with me and ate it at 8:30 when I got hungry again.  My friends were so excited to see the new me. 

Everyone I have seen has been very positive except 2 people.  I’m taking a break from those 2.  I’m in a good place and I cannot afford negative people in my life right now.  I’m staying on the right path to health and fitness!

Saturday morning, my daughter and I arrived at Nordstrom at The Columbia Mall by 8 am for a 2-hour Zumba party.  While people shopped we provided cat-calling, booty-busting entertainment with about 25 other women from our gym.  I burned a lot of calories.

That night we met Alan (the bike guy) and Jackie for dinner at Flemings.  Honey and I were standing at the bar; I had my back to the door when I heard this very recognizable female voice (Jackie) whisper in my ear, "Your ass is so small and cute I want to just grab it!"  There's never a dull moment with Jackie...lol!  I had a petite filet mignon and steamed asparagus (both with no butter or oil).  I ate half of each and saved the rest for Sunday lunch.  I also had a glass of wine and two glasses of water.  I was fine. 

This morning was the annual Zooma 10K & half marathon in Annapolis. Ginger and I had planned to participate back in April.  I had registered for the 10K via the internet while in California, but something went awry and my registration didn’t go through.  Then I couldn’t get to Annapolis yesterday to pick up my packet.  So…I didn’t go.  Instead Sharona and I decided to go to a local park that has a 3-mile loop and do our own 10K there.  It turns out our local hospital was sponsoring a Family Health Day at the park featuring a 5K.  We joined the crowd and did the 5K…twice.  I burned over 1000 calories in the 87-degree humidity. 

I miss the gorgeous, non-humid SoCal weather.  I miss my positive LIFE bubble.  Mostly, I miss my dear friends from LIFE.  I’m posting a picture of me and my new BFFs taken on the day before I flew back home.  They are all strong, empowered, awesome women who will accomplish each and every goal they set their minds to!

Me, Ginger, Judy & Maria


Forgive Me…I’m a Social Butterfly

Dear Readers, so sorry I haven’t written for a bit.  My last couple of weeks at LIFE were filled with socializing with my new friends from around the world while I still had time left with them.

The past 14 days have been filled with excitement, satisfaction, accomplishments, travel, reunions, and just a little negativity.

My Last Week at LIFE
Monday I began with a BANG – literally!  During Jonathan’s Cardio Boot Camp I was on fire – sprinting like I never have before.  During my very last sprint (6.5 speed) I felt a snap in my left I-T Band – where it meets my hip. 

I had to take it easy and focus on weights, circuits and biking for the rest of the day.

Later in the week I went with Bronson on the 20-mile Manhattan Beach bike ride – my fave.  Wow!  My fitness had really improved -  I passed the 20-somethings in our group twice on the way to Manhattan Beach and twice on the way back.  Who knew I had it in me?  The 20-somethings were impressed that I was a 48-year-old obese woman and kicked their butts…lol!

Friday morning was a Cute Butt Boy circuit.  Surely by now you must know how we all dread his workouts as he pushes us beyond whatever we thought we could do.  Cute Butt Boy added a couple of new exercises I hadn’t done before.  One I was confident about; the second…I didn’t think I could do at all.  To my delight, when I got to that exercise (a full push-up plank hold while lifting each leg up and down for two minutes) it was a piece of cake.  I was simply shocked.  When I first arrived at LIFE I couldn’t hold my body up with my arms – they were too weak.  As the weeks progressed I could do some exercises that required me to hold my body weight up with my arms but they were easier, shorter exercises.  It felt great to know my strength had improved exponentially.

My Last Day
Monday, May 26th began with a weigh-in, body measurements, VO2 test & hydrostatic bodyfat testing in the dunk tank.

Before – my 1st day at LIFE – 3.29.10 

After – my last day at LIFE – 5.24.10

I dropped another 6 pounds for a total of 30 while at LIFE. Remember, I dropped some before I left for LA so on my last day I was down 45 pounds, 32 inches and 2% body fat since I began this blog on February 15th.  Plus, my lung capacity improved and I went up 2 categories.

The New Me
I really changed – physically, nutritionally & emotionally.  I have become the woman I was back in my 20’s when I could accomplish anything I set my mind to.  Of course, I was always able to do that, but I no longer believed I could.  Claire, the LIFE therapist, helped the former me come back to the forefront…and I’m letting the real me stay in front!

Before I left my LA life behind I had one more change to make – my hair.  I wanted to go to a fab hair expert who could improve the look of the new me.  So off I went to Linda at Art Luna Salon in Santa Monica.  I’m 90% gray in the front and my hair grows quickly – I have my roots touched up every 4 weeks, but honestly, I could do it every 2 weeks (and that can be very costly!).  Linda considered my dilemma and came up with a solution: she lightened my color by 2 shades and added tons of natural highlights to make my overall look lighter and brighter.  It works!

Since my new lifestyle includes working out everyday I’m wearing my hair curly (it’s natural!) which allows me to spend only 5 minutes on it in the morning.  Growing it out will let me get my thick mass of curls off my neck by sporting a ponytail.

A sprinkling of bronzer, a few swipes of mascara and a smear of lip gloss has me “face ready” for workouts and errands.  That’s how I’ve decided to live my new life right now.

My Trip Back Home
I had to plan for my trip back to the east coast.  The first thing I did was have Chef Seong make food for me to bring on the plane.  It was the best idea I had.  Remember, I’m gluten free so my options with airport food are quite limited and I wanted to continue eating the healthy whole foods I enjoyed at LIFE.  I had yogurt for breakfast, finished packing, & headed out to the airport.  Once the plane was in the air I opened my next meal:  a roasted veggie & cheese wrap.  I ate half, 2.5 hours later ate the second half and 2 hours later had a protein bar which I brought with me. 

My daughter had just arrived home from college so she accompanied hubby to pick me up.  She came inside to the baggage claim to find me and walked right past me.  My trimmer self and lighter hair was a great disguise!  Needless to say, she was quite shocked, but ecstatic with my transformation since she last saw me in February.

When I arrived home around 9pm the dogs went beserk and my son took one look at me and said, “Mom, is that really you?”  I ate my 2nd wrap – Southwestern chicken with black beans & veggies – and unpacked. 

The jetlag was much worse traveling west to east, but I was glad to be home with my honey living my new life with my new stronger, trimmer body and lighter, brighter hair.  

Can you hear the smile?


He's Still A Loser

I was quite surprised when I watched The Biggest Loser this week and saw that Daris gained weight after 30 days at home.  I know there will be a lot of naysayers and negative comments made in the cyberworld, but, first off, let's give credit where credit's due.

He's dropped over 150 lbs. so far (that's a whole person)!  He entered the contest as a boy and emerged as a man, but he's still young.  He went home and still had to battle some personal demons.  That's the battle he lost; however, his goal to be a real marathon runner came to fruition.  He had a setback, but I guarantee he picked himself back up and went home for his last weight loss phase - and he lost it!  I know because that's where my brain is right now.

I thought, as most of America did, that Daris & Koli would be the top 2 at the weigh in.  But they weren't and it all came down to balance.  They were single-minded in their focus and lost the balance they worked so hard for on the ranch.  

I've already heard negative comments about Koli being cocky - talking about the confetti raining down on him.  That's not cockiness - it's someone finally loving himself enough to see that he deserves something so wonderful just as much as the others deserve it.  Let's not forget Koli's reaction when John went home.  He was ready to give up his spot on the ranch because he felt John deserved it more!  I'm so happy to see Koli turn it around.

I didn't vote on Tuesday night.  I couldn't choose between the two of them.  Both are guys who have never been in love, never thought they deserved anything good in life.  How can I possibly choose one over the other?

Kudos to Ashley & Mike.  They struggled at home but were still able to maintain the balance.

And that is what I will be working on beginning next week when I fly back home.  I won't have trainers to push me or chefs to fix my meals.  It'll be me, myself & I making the right choices and maintaining balance in my life.

I can't wait!


And The Beat Goes On

Just like my love - everlasting!

It’s been 7 weeks now.  I still miss my hubby.  I guess that means I have a really strong marriage, huh? 

It’s funny.  I love my kids…and I do miss them, but not like I miss my honey.

I’m not actually antsy to get back home, but I am looking forward to next Wednesday when I fly back to the Baltimore-DC area to continue my journey at home.  I will so miss my LIFE bubble and friends and trainers, but we have plans to get together.

Hopefully, Bronson will come east for a short time this summer to teach women’s self defense.  Ginger and I know we could get a boatload of women and their daughters to participate and seeing Bronson again would be so great…he is truly the most inspirational of all the trainers.

My coach Arleigh may be doing a quick jaunt to Baltimore too…so my friend Bess and I can do a boot camp with her.  That means her visit will be both heaven and hell…lol!

A bunch of us are planning a reunion in November in Miami.  Call us crazy, but we’re going to do a bike ride from Miami to Key West - only 165 miles!  We’re trying to get Rob & Jonathan to come out and do it with us...both great trainers that we love…and a lot of fun!

You know I’ll always miss Cute Butt Boy.  That smile, that BUTT!  But I’ll certainly miss how much he has always believed in me…more than I believed in myself.

I’ll truly miss my Zumba cohort Amber.  She was Miss Fitness Hawaiian Islands 2008.  She looks it too.  Killer arms!  I want my arms to look just like Amber’s!  She’s helped me in so many ways, answered so many questions; even though she trains only part time she has a great influence over so many of us.

I’ll miss Luis the Chilean God’s sense of humor.  I always laugh when he trains me…even if my legs are on fire…and with his leg workouts they usually are!

We have another new trainer - Becca.  She’s quiet.  But the quiet ones are the ones you usually have to watch out for.  She’s quick with a smile and a compliment on how great you’re doing, but she goes for the kill during a training.  Just ask my abs.

Then there’s Nicola.  My butt hates her.  The rest of me loves her…always smiling…always positive…that cute British accent.  Nicola always makes my day.

Yup, leaving will be bittersweet, but I just can’t live without honey.  Maybe we can get him to move to LA.  Not!  Honey is not a city boy…no way no how. 

A favorite from The Whispers:
    “Don't stop for nobody
    This time I'll keep my feet on solid ground
    Now I understand myself when I'm down
    Like the sweet sound of hip music
    There'll always be something new
    To keep the tables turning
    Hey this super song
    There'll never be an ending
    The beat goes on, the beat goes on, the beat goes on.”


He’s A Cold-Hearted Snake

Look into his eyes…uh oh…he’s been telling lies.

Last week was a great week.

I was strong and accomplished more than ever.

Thursday morning I had the Venice Beach run/walk. Jonathan was taking us so I grabbed him for a little chat before we left. Here’s how it went down.

Dee: “I only have 11 days left and my goal is to run a mile before I leave here. So far I’ve only run for 3 minutes. Can you work with me this morning to push me to 5 minutes?”

Jonathan: “Sure, I can do that.”

But here’s how it really went down.

We go to Venice Beach and Jonathan had to let us all out so he could park the van. I started walking with Roberto knowing Jonathan would catch up with us. He did.

And then it began.

Jonathan: “Okay, let’s start a slow jog and get to 2 minutes and see how it goes.”

He’s such a liar!

Jonathan:   “C’mon…you can go for another minute.”

                   “Let’s try for another minute.”

                   “Let’s try for another to get to 5 minutes right now.”

                   “You can do another minute.”

                    “Let’s just take it one minute at a time.”

Before I knew it I had run a mile. It took me 20 minutes, but I was concerned with lung capacity, not speed.

And just like that I achieved another goal I wasn’t sure I was ready for just yet.

I got a 5 minute walking break, then he had me run the mile back…I did that in 19 minutes. So I ran 2 miles when all I wanted to do was run for 5 minutes. Sheesh! Way to push a girl, Jonathan.

Jonathan: “Well, we need to find a new goal for you now.”

Dee: “Believe me, I’m not leaving the goal up to you…you’ll have me in an Iron Woman contest next week!”

But alas, after almost 2 hours in the hot tub with Maria & Joe on Friday night we three came to a few decisions.

Joe’s never done the Santa Monica stairs…he’s doing them this Friday morning with Maria & me.

Joe & I haven’t done the bike-hike-bike. I just know Arleigh will schedule me for that particular workout this week because it’s my last week and she believes in me. So, Joe & I have decided to do the bike-hike-bike together. Lord, help us!

Maria & I have decided to play basketball this week with our girl Desi & the guys.

And…Maria and I will be playing water polo this week.

Wish us luck!


Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now

We’re on the move!

Ain’t no stoppin’ us now,

We’ve got the groove!

My LIFE girlfriends and I have been growing by leaps and bounds!

Last week we all overcame several obstacles toward change.

Ginger, Debbie & Judy all did the Bike-Hike-Bike. They rode to the mountain, climbed the mountain, came back down and rode back to the gym. It’s a 3-4 hour affair…not easy and all three of them were nervous about it. But they all persevered and conquered the challenge!

Maria & I were left behind with Cute Butt Boy. Ugh! We always know he’s going to kick our asses…and in true form, he did. He likes to think of it as helping us accomplish the things we think we can’t do. And he’s right, but it still kicks our ass in the process of the accomplishment.

You say tomato, I say tomahto.

Maria & I had to balance ourselves on an upside down bosu ball while doing a squat and throwing a ball against the wall and catching it.

Say what?

Imagine turning this bosu ball upside down and balancing yourself on it. It’s much harder than you think!

We had a couple of other exercises to do, then he pulled out the big gun - the treadmill. Cute Butt Boy is most known for his killer treadmill workouts. One treadmill was on for speed…full out sprinting for 2 minutes. The second treadmill was on for incline - climb the 10.0 hill at 3.0 speed for 2 minutes. Both versions kick your ass.

The 1st sprint session I had to stop after a minute (only for 15 seconds) and he caught me. Damn. I got a little lecture about letting my mind get the best of me. So the next time it was my turn to sprint he stood by my side and kept telling me to envision finishing it. All I could envision was Cute Butt Boy’s cute dimples smiling at me with pride. As he’s standing there he’s whispering sweet nothings to me, “You got this. Keep going. You got this.” It worked. I finished the 2nd time, the 3rd time, the 4th time and even the 5th time. Whew!

I need Cute Butt Boy to move back home with me to keep me going. How could I possibly ever say NO to those dimples….and that butt!

Maria had a huge knot in her hamstring so her legs weren’t 100%. When her turn came to sprint she fell off the treadmill…and she was pissed! Cute Butt Boy had her punch out the punching bag, then go outside to walk it off. My girl came back stronger than ever and finished what she started!


On another note, Cute Butt Boy has some competition. We have a new trainer who started last week - Luis the Chilean god. We’re all hoping the day comes soon where Luis will have a reason to take off his shirt, except we might all faint and miss it!

But Luis isn’t only a hunk o’ hunk o’ burnin’ love, he’s also a great trainer. His 1st day Desi and I had him for partner training. We were both hurting from the night before - Amber’s Crossfit Challenge. (20 mountain climbers, 30 push ups, 40 sit ups & 50 squats - 5 sets timed! Plus a mile before and after on cardio!)

Anyway, Luis gave us exercises that required us to use our muscles without weights, then he stretched us on the mat. Wow…we both felt so much better. Now, every time Desi says the word Luis, I say “me likey”.

I was lucky enough to have Luis for 2 other partner trainings as well.
Me likey!

By Friday night my body was shot. I took off the weekend. My knees and ankles were bugging me…and my triceps were screaming at me. I stretched as much as I could stand it. But it was all good.

I can’t believe I’ve now been here for 6 weeks. Only 2 more to go. Leaving my LIFE bubble will be bittersweet. I don’t want to go. I want to stay and get stronger in this über positive environment, but I know that’s not practical. 

I now KNOW I can do this at home and I WILL.


I Miss You Much

Last week honey was here. His thought process was “I’m here for only a week and I need to give 110%.”

I understand that thought process, but what honey didn’t think about was that he hasn’t worked out in a very long time. Yes, he does manual labor at home periodically, but not consistently lifting heavy items…and never running. So he arrives and I’m ecstatic because we’ve been apart for a month. It’s so good to see him and he immediately notices my weight loss. Not only can you see the weight loss in my face, neck & shoulders, but also my waist and hips and apparently it’s a big difference.

I see myself everyday so it’s difficult for me to notice a big change in the mirror. But I can tell in my clothes. I’m down 2 sizes and had to buy new work out clothes. I was channeling Flashdance…the big t-shirt falling off 1 shoulder.

So honey works out like the dickens for the 1st 3 days. During cardio boot camp with Jonathan (from my last post) honey keeps up with class…at one point he’s full out sprinting on 7.5 speed. I told him to take it easy and pace himself but he says he’s feeling great.

Famous last words.

He finished the day and started the next day, but left after lunch. He was exhausted and couldn’t eat. The next day he had the chills and began vomiting that night. It lands him in the ER the next morning (Friday) where he stays until midday on Sunday.

Severe dehydration.

Wow…he thought maybe he was coming down something. But he was working out so much that he was sweating so much and that dehydrates the body. We didn’t know severe dehydration could lead to death. That’s a pretty scary thought…

The answer is ELECTROLYTES!

Here at LIFE we all drink a minimum of 2 servings of electrolytes a day. Honey didn’t like the flavor so he wasn’t drinking the electrolytes everyday. Big mistake.

They don’t talk about electrolytes on The Biggest Loser. I wonder how many people try to emulate that show and get sick. You wouldn’t know to use electrolytes. And while Gatorade is the original, it’s not necessarily the best. It’s loaded with sugar. At LIFE we drink Ultima Replenisher. I have a container of powder that I add to a 20 oz. bottle of water 2-3 times a day.

I urge everyone to be sure to use electrolyte drinks when working out more than an hour a day. It’s important!

Honey's back home now.  I didn't want him to leave, but life goes on.  I do think he learned a lot while here at the gym so his plan is to go back home and begin safe, doable workouts daily.  He's looking forward to the day I join him back home again and we can workout together.


Keep on Keeping On

As promised, here's a picture of me at the top of the mountain I climbed on Monday.  I was channeling Rocky - "gonna fly now"...

I'll quickly tell you about this morning.  Trainer Jonathan did a cardio boot camp...one of the most challenging classes we take.  For 50 minutes the trainer tells us what incline and speed to put the treadmill on and we either walk or run.  My husband was on the treadmill beside me and we killed it! 

We were sprinting for 1 minute, then recovering for 2 minutes for 10 minutes. 
Then we were sprinting for 15 seconds and recovering for 45 seconds for a series. 
Then we did a series where the sprinting increased to 30 seconds on and 30 seconds recovery. 
Then a series of 45 seconds on and 30 seconds recovery. 
Finally, a series of 1 minute on and 30 seconds recovery. 

Each time we had to increase our speed.  Yesterday, the fastest I've sprinted was 4.2 speed.  Today - 5.5 speed.  That's a huge jump!  Eric was up to 7.5 speed - he's a beast!

Did a few more training sessions, but my next favorite was personal training with Amber.    Amber is this 5'3" gorgeous powerhouse!  She holds the title of Miss Fitness Hawaiian Islands for 2008!

Amber had me doing her favorite arm workout.  At the end she wanted me to do tricep dips.  I haven't been able to do those since I was about 28-yrs-old.  I didn't think I could do it, but she assured me after actually seeing my biceps (when they poked out beyond the extra flesh surrounding them) that I could do them.  She was Right!  I did 4 sets of 15! 

It's been a great day of accomplishments!


The Eye of the Tiger

Yesterday was a huge day for me.

I did the Santa Monica bike ride again. I did it the 1st week with Desi and we made it out about 6.5 miles, it took forever, we huffed & puffed all the way, our legs and butts were sore for 2 days afterwards.

But yesterday we owned the bike ride!

We did the 10 miles from Maxella St. in Marina Del Rey to Temescal Canyon Road in Pacific Palisades and back with great lung capacity and strong legs…and it took under 2 hours! Desi wasn’t sure she could do it when we set out, but after only a couple miles she realized she had indeed improved greatly from week 1. So we were victorious in the morning.

Then came the afternoon victory! Due to my tree pollen allergies I hadn’t been scheduled for the hike yet. Desi did the hike her very 1st week and she got sick as a result - she got dehydrated and tried so hard to keep up with everyone else that she hurt her leg. Upon completion she had the chills the rest of the night and she had a bum leg for 4 days.

She was really apprehensive to attempt the hike again. I’ll admit, I was quite nervous. I’ve never attempted to hike a mountain and I had butterflies in my belly during the ride to the mountain. We split up into 2 groups - Desi & I stayed behind with Trainer Bronson.

The 1st half of the mountain is about 10 switchbacks that climb up higher and higher. After each switchback I was out of breath and had to stop for about a minute before continuing on. Taking a short breather was a smart idea because I never really ran out of energy. I kept plugging away and managed to get through all the switchbacks in pretty good shape.

After the switchbacks the rest of the climb is very doable…more climbing but only at certain intervals of the mountain. Yesterday was a foggy, cool day and we managed to climb above the fog to find the sun smiling down on us as we climbed higher and higher. Periodically we’d stop to smell the roses and look at the scenery. It was a gorgeous panorama!

So, we made it to the top and Bronson took a picture of me! It’s still on his cell so I have to get him to forward it to me, then I’ll post it - hopefully tomorrow.

My secret is I never looked up to see how high I had to climb. My other secret is I had my ipod and put on great tunes with a beat so I would dig in and climb to the beat. Coming down was difficult too…some parts were very steep and I had to walk down sideways in those sections to prevent myself from falling.

All in all I knew I had a tough day ahead of me, but I was determined to complete both the bike ride and the hike. I can do more and more everyday and knowing that I set a goal and didn’t allow myself an “out” is very satisfying! I didn’t use my sore legs as an excuse. I never thought I would ever climb a mountain…but I did and it’s a great feeling of accomplishment and pride!

Next time you have a big goal get the Eye of the Tiger!


Feeling Stronger Everyday

That’s exactly how I feel. This week was a great one for me.

It started out with a Bang when the Singulair & Zyrtec finally kicked in to STOP the tree pollen from affecting me. I was able to work out all day every day this week.

My cardio is improving.
I can full out sprint for 2 minutes right now. That may not seem like a lot, but for me as an obese 48-year-old woman who hasn’t run in 20 years that’s a huge accomplishment!

I biked 15 miles from Marina Del Rey to Santa Monica and it was a breeze. I did that same bike ride my very 1st week here and it was very hard both on my legs and lungs. But this time I put my ipod on some jammin’ tunes and got in my zone and just kept going. Actually, I was the leader of a group of newbies who hadn’t done the bike ride before so I had to look like I knew what I was doing…lol!

I finally got back to the Santa Monica Stairs this week. I did them the 1st week and was totally freaked out by the big black hole I was climbing down into. My fear allowed me to only do the stairs twice. I spent the rest of the time speed walking the gorgeous neighborhood that overlooks the Pacific Palisades with a view of the Pacific. This time I had Trainer Bronson with me…the most inspirational of all the trainers. He walked down in front of me so I could only see his back and the 3 stairs directly in front of me. Then we climbed back up. I did 4 trips this time which amounts to 800 stairs. I know I’ll eventually have to get over this fear of climbing down, but for right now I’m sticking with what works.

My strength is improving.
This week I graduated to heavier weights on pretty much every machine I use.

I also graduated from modified planks to full planks. I can’t do them for the full minute, but I start out with a full plank, then revert to the modified version for the remainder of the time. Eventually, I’ll be doing the full plank the entire time. Planks are the ultimate abs/core exercise - say goodbye to your muffin top!

Modified Front Plank

Full Front Plank
Full Side Plank

 When the Going Gets Tough
The tough get going!

Between Schuyler giving me bi-weekly boxing lessons and Bronson giving me weekly mixed martial arts/self defense lessons I’m much tougher than I ever was. This week Bronson focused on some Krav Maga and Kung Fu defense techniques which were really cool. I think my college daughter and all her friends need to take lessons with Bronson. He’s been teaching this for some time and actually had a former client write to thank him for his lessons. She was attacked in a mall bathroom and she kicked the guys ass! Now that’s what I call Girl Power!

Push It Real Good
The trainers watch me very carefully and know how hard they can push me. And, of course, I push myself. I’m always hard on myself and think I can do better. I never give myself a break which is something I’m learning to work on while I’m out here.

During one of Schuyler’s cardio boot camps this week I was so frustrated with myself because I couldn’t keep up. Schuyler told me to keep my incline high and my speed lower and that worked, but I was mad at myself. Of course, once I looked around the class I realized everyone was either half my age, or at least 50 pounds thinner than I am. Of course I couldn’t keep up. But in my mind I should be able to otherwise I’m a failure.

Sheesh! I obviously need to lighten up a bit which my friend Sharona likes to gently remind me.

What Have You Done For You Lately?
So…what have you done to put yourself FIRST this week?
Did you make time to exercise?
Did you make time to plan and prepare whole food nourishing meals?
Did you make time to relax in a warm bubble bath?
Did you make time to take a nap in a hammock or just stare at the sky and find adorable could shapes?
Did you at least stop to smell the roses?

How many of these questions get a YES from you? If the answer is NONE, then I urge you to Take Care of Business.


The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

I know it’s a movie title, not a song title like most of my posts, but it’s apropos for this posting.

The Good

There are so many good things I don’t know where to begin. First I have a shout out to my girl Debbie. I thought about you all day today because during 2 workouts they played “Sweet Child of Mine.” That is Debbie’s theme song - she sings it at every event we go to whether there’s karaoke or not.

Had a great walk on Venice Beach today. I walked up a storm for 60 minutes keeping my heart rate between 123-130 - my fat burning zone. I felt so empowered when I was finished.

Today I did bear crawls for the 1st time - something I haven’t been able to do my 1st three weeks. Every couple of days now I’m able to do something new that I couldn’t when I first arrived…what a great feeling!

This past week I’ve noticed how much I now sweat. It would always take me at least 20-30 minutes to begin sweating, but now that my fitness has vastly improved I sweat immediately. I sweat during every workout and feel gross at the beginning of my day, but I have to wait to get back to the apartment before I can shower. That shower in the evening is so cathartic!

The Bad

I only dropped 1 pound and 3.25 inches this week. I know those numbers are certainly better than nothing; however, The Biggest Loser is so ingrained in our psyches that we consistently expect bigger numbers. I was a little bummed, I’ll admit. I worked real hard last week and I ate only the healthy meals LIFE prepared for me without cheating.

So glad I’m not home because if I was when I got on the scale and had that result I would have said “F%*k it” and would have eaten whatever I wanted to make me feel better.

Obviously that’s one of the biggest issues I’ll have to deal with at home.

The Ugly
That would be my hair…my grays have grown in and I seriously need some help.

So I’m bringing in the professionals. I’m headed to Santa Monica tomorrow afternoon for a makeover at Art Luna Salon. Art is supposed to be one of the best in LA so I’ll be seeing for myself. I’m showing up and saying, “Make me a new woman.” I’ll post a picture for you when it’s done.

Wish me luck!


Positive Thoughts and Persistence Pay Big

Yesterday I took my allergy meds and headed to Marina Del Rey Beach for our weekly beach boot camp. At the beach there is a bird sanctuary that is surrounded by a large fence or cage (not sure how large the area actually is - at least several acres).

Boot camp always begins with a timed walk around the bird cage.

It’s not easy…we’re walking in the beach sand which is hell on your calves and lower back. It’s like walking or running in quicksand because you sink deep before you come back up only to plant another foot in the sand and sink deep again.

I wear Under Armour sneakers which have holes in them for ventilation. The ventilation is great, but the sneakers quickly fill up with sand and my feet feel like they are being strangled. So…I do beach boot camp in bare feet.

Okay, so we begin the workout with a timed walk around the bird cage and I timed in at 14:34. As a veteran of beach boot camp I already know that when we are being timed to do the first round slow because every time we do it again the trainers expect us to beat our previous time.

Next up was a G R E U L I N G round of stations:

Station 1

1. sprint to the 1st cone, drop and do 20 push ups

2. sprint to the 2nd cone, and do 20 squats

3. sprint to the 3rd cone, drop and do 20 burpees

4. sprint to the 4th cone, drop and do 20 full pushups

5. sprint back to the very 1st cone and repeat steps 1-5 four more times

Station 2

1. sprint sideways with right leg leading to 1st cone

2. sprint sideways with left leg leading to 2nd cone

3. drop and do 20 burpees

4. sprint to the 1st cone and repeat steps 1-4 four more times

Station 3

1. grab a partner, wrap a band around them and hold on to the ends.

2. the partner sprints in the sand for 40 yds. with you pulling them back (like Jillian does on The Biggest Loser

3. switch places

4. repeat steps 1-3 two more times

This was all followed up by doing the bird cage again. And we had to beat our 1st time.

My plan was to keep my girl Desi in my sights. She beat me by 1:30 last time so I knew if I could stay close to her heels, I’d beat my time. I rounded the final corner and Trainer Schuyler yelled to me that I had 30 seconds left. I sprinted full out to him. When I arrived at the finish line he had a big grin on face and said, “I lied. You killed it! Finished in 12:12!”

I took almost 2:30 off my first time. Who knew I could do that? I certainly didn’t. Schuyler’s trick just proves that our minds control our bodies. I thought I only had 30 seconds left and I sprinted to beat that.

Yes, I was gasping for air. Yes, my heart rate was very high. Yes, I did it!

And you can too. Your positive thoughts and persistence can take you anywhere. Where do you want to go?