

Well yesterday was a challenging day for me. I accomplished everything except exercise.

You see, I tempted fate and it was not on my side.

I didn't plan properly so my body suffered the consequences; however, I don’t feel guilty.

The difference is I didn’t give up my power. Instead, I gambled on time and lost. Then I had a decision to make and I made it. I feel good about it because I was in control of my destiny.

I received a call at 11:30 am telling me my daughter was being discharged from the hospital. So I mentally did some calculations and decided to pick her up, bring her back to Canyon Ranch with me (she was antsy to get out and I was antsy to spend quality non-hospital time with her), then I would work out and afterwards we’d meet friends for dinner.

But we all know hospital red tape. I got to the hospital at 12:30. The doctor still hadn’t signed the discharge papers. Of course not, it’s a Saturday and the doctor is nowhere to be found. So we waited. And waited. And waited. All the while I bug the nurse and have her call the doctor every hour. I finally get hungry at 3:00 and decide to head to the cafeteria for a yogurt and piece of fruit.

The sign said: CLOSED.

Huh…I didn’t plan that too well. But it is good to bug the nurse every hour so she bugs the doctor every hour. Finally, at 5 pm the papers are signed and we walk out the door to freedom.

Before heading back to CY we stop off at the dorm to gather up some clothes. By the time we return to CY I have a choice to make: go workout, then shower, then meet for dinner but I’ll be 45 minutes late. Or forget the workout today, get ready for dinner and be on time.

I’m starving - haven’t eaten since 11 am so I choose the latter. But there’s a second part to that decision…work out twice tomorrow.

So here I am writing this while enjoying my morning coffee. Since my best girl’s with me I don’t have to leave CY all day and am certain to get in a double workout. It’s interesting how I didn’t have guilt because I made the choice rather than allowing the Universe to make it for me.

I welcome the wind of change!

The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change

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