
Friends In Need, Friends Indeed

I have lots of friends and I love them all. Some are skinny and blond (ugh…they get on my nerves), some are not a size 2 but they’re still blond and fashionable (and the guys are always checking them out…they get on my nerves too), one has the metabolism of an Olympic athlete (she plays tennis once a week and can eat 2 of anything she wants and never gain an ounce - she’s gorgeous to boot…and really gets on my nerves), one is very serious about a balanced lifestyle and is committed to helping me do the same (I’m in love with Terri and if we were lesbian I’d marry her), and two are pretty much as big as me and frustrated by it (the Wolf sisters are my 2 oldest friends and I adore them).

So how do these relationships help me reach my goals? I’m not sure.

I only know that Terri has been after me to make a drastic lifestyle change because it will save my life and she wants me around to continue to travel together, attend each other’s children’s weddings, meet each other’s grandchildren and celebrate the many other wonderful milestones a full life yields.

The Wolf sisters are my sistahs in need just like me. I am inviting them to join me in making a major lifestyle change and I hope they’ll accept because then we can all keep track of their progress as well.

So, find your girlfriends to help you make any positive changes you think you need to make in your own life…and let’s start a revolution!

The Beatles:
“You say you want a revolution
Well you know
We all want to change the world”

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