
Feeling Stronger Everyday

That’s exactly how I feel. This week was a great one for me.

It started out with a Bang when the Singulair & Zyrtec finally kicked in to STOP the tree pollen from affecting me. I was able to work out all day every day this week.

My cardio is improving.
I can full out sprint for 2 minutes right now. That may not seem like a lot, but for me as an obese 48-year-old woman who hasn’t run in 20 years that’s a huge accomplishment!

I biked 15 miles from Marina Del Rey to Santa Monica and it was a breeze. I did that same bike ride my very 1st week here and it was very hard both on my legs and lungs. But this time I put my ipod on some jammin’ tunes and got in my zone and just kept going. Actually, I was the leader of a group of newbies who hadn’t done the bike ride before so I had to look like I knew what I was doing…lol!

I finally got back to the Santa Monica Stairs this week. I did them the 1st week and was totally freaked out by the big black hole I was climbing down into. My fear allowed me to only do the stairs twice. I spent the rest of the time speed walking the gorgeous neighborhood that overlooks the Pacific Palisades with a view of the Pacific. This time I had Trainer Bronson with me…the most inspirational of all the trainers. He walked down in front of me so I could only see his back and the 3 stairs directly in front of me. Then we climbed back up. I did 4 trips this time which amounts to 800 stairs. I know I’ll eventually have to get over this fear of climbing down, but for right now I’m sticking with what works.

My strength is improving.
This week I graduated to heavier weights on pretty much every machine I use.

I also graduated from modified planks to full planks. I can’t do them for the full minute, but I start out with a full plank, then revert to the modified version for the remainder of the time. Eventually, I’ll be doing the full plank the entire time. Planks are the ultimate abs/core exercise - say goodbye to your muffin top!

Modified Front Plank

Full Front Plank
Full Side Plank

 When the Going Gets Tough
The tough get going!

Between Schuyler giving me bi-weekly boxing lessons and Bronson giving me weekly mixed martial arts/self defense lessons I’m much tougher than I ever was. This week Bronson focused on some Krav Maga and Kung Fu defense techniques which were really cool. I think my college daughter and all her friends need to take lessons with Bronson. He’s been teaching this for some time and actually had a former client write to thank him for his lessons. She was attacked in a mall bathroom and she kicked the guys ass! Now that’s what I call Girl Power!

Push It Real Good
The trainers watch me very carefully and know how hard they can push me. And, of course, I push myself. I’m always hard on myself and think I can do better. I never give myself a break which is something I’m learning to work on while I’m out here.

During one of Schuyler’s cardio boot camps this week I was so frustrated with myself because I couldn’t keep up. Schuyler told me to keep my incline high and my speed lower and that worked, but I was mad at myself. Of course, once I looked around the class I realized everyone was either half my age, or at least 50 pounds thinner than I am. Of course I couldn’t keep up. But in my mind I should be able to otherwise I’m a failure.

Sheesh! I obviously need to lighten up a bit which my friend Sharona likes to gently remind me.

What Have You Done For You Lately?
So…what have you done to put yourself FIRST this week?
Did you make time to exercise?
Did you make time to plan and prepare whole food nourishing meals?
Did you make time to relax in a warm bubble bath?
Did you make time to take a nap in a hammock or just stare at the sky and find adorable could shapes?
Did you at least stop to smell the roses?

How many of these questions get a YES from you? If the answer is NONE, then I urge you to Take Care of Business.

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